Friday, March 21, 2008

DIA Beacon Trip

A few weeks ago after a snow day, I got to skip more class by going on a field trip to the DIA Association in Beacon. First of all, the building itself is amazing. They renovated this old factory, the space was different from anyplace else I'd been to. Then there's all this cool art in there: Kawashima, Warhol, Bourgeois, Chamberlain...I was like a kid in Disneyland.

I saw the whole Shadows series there by Andy Warhol. That piece gets a whole, big room to itself; there's so many of them. Shadows is two images, one labelled the "peak" and the other the "cap" repeated on silkscreens in the variety of garish colors Warhol is known for. I particularly like the idea behind Shadows, how do you depict a shadow? It'd be weird to see a shadow with no identifiable object causing it, that goes against what we've been seeing all our lives. In Warhol's piece, we really don't know what we're looking at. We try to assign a representation to it, but since the image is so fuzzy and vague, we can never truly know. And then Warhol repeats this experience, which frustrated me a little. It was almost mocking.
I'd like to incorporate elements of Shadows into my next project, Self Visualization. You'll see that someday. Till then.

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